Instagram Funnels

Do think about funnels in your social media strategy?

I'm mildly obsessed with funnels. It makes business feel like a game of strategy. (Isn't it, though?)

I even have conversion rates for every step of the process. (Thanks to that one viral IG coach I worked for for 2 weeks!)

Here's an example of an Instagram funnel:

-Post a reel with a call-to-action to leave a word in the comments.

Message each person who comments and likes something like, "thank you for liking/commenting" and start a conversation in DMs.

-Lead them to a free guide/video (lead magnet) where they'll give you their email address

-Have an automated welcome email sequence of about 5 emails

-By the 5th one, make an offer to chat.

-Hopefully, your offer is a good fit for them and an agreement is made on the call.

Don’t be spammy. Be genuine, like you really want to be a resource for them.

At each stage in this process, some people will fall off, but if you do it right, you'll be left with the people who are most eager, most ready, most able to work with you. With some planning, those who do fall off, will still be in your list, still learning about you and seeing your results. They may come back later.


Building your list from Instagram


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